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The Journal of Science and the Law
The latest article:
Measurement uncertainty is a critical concept in forensic science, particularly when interpreting the results of laboratory tests and analyses in a legal context. In this article, we will explore what measurement uncertainty is, how it affects forensic science, and why lawyers should be familiar with it to effectively advocate for their clients and understand the strengths and limitations of scientific evidence presented in court.
This article in an introduction to measurement uncertainty. We will explore more detailed issues in forensic readings in future articles. Click the image to go to the article, or: |
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Counterpoint Volume 8
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Regular members of the DUIDLA will be automatically renewed!
Get an index of all past articles from Volumes 2-7
The DUI Investigations Mastery Series
Exclusive to current DUIDLA members with subscriptions to Volumes 2-8 of Counterpoint.
NEW: Core Skills II is now available!
Consisting of 22 articles with 6 videos, the Core Skills II module is approximately 8-hours in duration, and is EXCLUSIVELY available for members of the DUIDLA.
A subscription to Volumes 2-8 of Counterpoint is required for access to the articles in the program.
A subscription to Volumes 2-8 of Counterpoint is required for access to the articles in the program.
Starting with the Core Skills Courses, Counterpoint is proud to introduce our new mobile learning modules for the DUI Investigations Mastery Series. We have created an educationally valid core curriculum of critical information to enable you to master the technical and scientific skills necessary to effectively practice DUI casework.
We have established a core curricula for the entire Series and are currently hard at work expanding articles, preparing more than 50 new videos, and creating interactive mobile learning packages in preparation for these exciting new programs.
Program: |
Written Material: |
Videos: |
Estimated Duration: |
21 Articles |
8 Videos |
5 Hours |
22 Articles |
6 Videos |
8 Hours |
Foundational Skills I |
25 Articles |
12 Videos |
Target: Winter 2024-5 |
Foundational Skills II |
24 Articles |
4 Videos |
Target: Spring 2025 |
Advanced Skills I |
22 Articles |
7 Videos |
Target Fall 2025 |
Advanced Skills II |
27 Articles |
Target: Winter 2025-6 |
Mastery Skills I |
24 Articles |
Target: Spring 2026 |
Mastery Skills II |
14+ Articles |
Target: Fall 2026 |
Current members of the DUIDLA with active Counterpoint subscriptions to Volumes 2-8 can participate in these programs at no additional charge.
Be sure to check out the program!
Click here for more information: The DUI Investigations Mastery Series. |
Volume 8 is nearing completion!
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Make sure to continue your annual subscription - $119 USD per volume.
(Regular [active & current] members of the DUIDLA will automatically receive Volume 8 - no need to renew)
(Regular [active & current] members of the DUIDLA will automatically receive Volume 8 - no need to renew)
To purchase Volume 8 individually without an annual recurring subscription:
Why subscribe to Counterpoint?
You want to make a difference for your client. Your practice is enhanced when you understand today's forensics. Establishing scientific literacy is the key. The advantages of Counterpoint for your practice are clear: